
interact with documents the right way quick and fast, query your data like a boss 😑. always remember what is your schema coz non gets inside without passing the schema for validation,but schema is optional

all orm methods are :

  • put - creates a single document to the collection

  • putMany - creates many documents at once

  • get - gets a single document

  • getMany - gets Many documents in one batch limit 30

  • update - updates a single document

  • updateMany - updates Many documets in batch limit 30

  • defineSchema - method to define collection schema

  • change - collection changes


put document to collection when no id is provided will be autogenerated, when id is provided must be unique

//put single
comments.put({id:"john_comment1",data:{title:"my first comment",body:"my comment body ",author:"john"},ttl:85000}) // ttl is optional,if passed must be a number greater than 2000

//put many limited to 30
let coms = [
    {title:"my first comment",body:"my comment body ",author:"john",id:"com1"},
    {title:"my second comment",body:"my second comment body ",author:"john",id:"com2"},
    {title:"my third comment",body:"my third comment body ",author:"john"id:"com3"}
]//optional id 
comments.putMany({data:coms}) //can pass optional ttl


get document from collection

comments.get("com1") //id required

//get many
comments.getMany(["com1","com2","com3"]) //gets many docs in limit of 30
 //get many randomized


updates a document

comments.update({id:"com1",data:{body:"updated body comment"}})
//update many
comments.updateMany([{id:"com2",data:{body:"updated body comment"}},{id:"com1",data:{body:"updated body2 comment"}}]) //30 limit


coming soon...


collection changes
